Model-Based Enterprise • July 18, 2017

Paving the Path to the Model-Based Enterprise with Manufacturing Process Management

The path to a digitally connected Model-based Enterprise (MBE) is a bit of a bumpy dirt road today, but we are starting to see more sections paved as solutions filling the gaps are demonstrated by companies like iBase-t and PTC.

Manufacturing Process Management (MPM) Enables Digital Manufacturing

Manufacturing Process Management (MPM) and Model-based Manufacturing (MbM) are emerging to enable digital manufacturing, IIoT, and Industrie 4.0 initiatives for manufacturing supply chain leaders. Gartner Research has just published the 2017 “Market Guide for MPM and MbM for Discrete Manufacturing” report listing iBase-t among the leading software companies with solutions for MPM.

The Gartner report discusses the rising importance of these types of initiatives among surveyed manufacturers including capabilities for a product digital thread and digital twin. Manufacturers realize that the integration of PLM, ERP, and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) is critical to solving the disconnects that create bottlenecks in production and New Product Introduction (NPI) business processes.

Achieving a Digitally Supported Design Through Effective MPM

Manufacturers need to achieve a digitally supported design through production environment, and for manufacturers of complex, expensive equipment, the digital thread continues into product maintenance, or Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) operations. An MPM platform links the virtual world of product engineering and manufacturing process design to the physical world of manufacturing execution and transactions, including product and process design, manufacturing and maintenance operations, and parts and supplier management.

Working with CAD/PLM leaders in the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) industry, including PTC, Siemens and Dassault Systèmes, iBase-t has developed several of the bridges needed to integrate PLM and ERP systems and continues to evolve these bridges to incorporate newer standards for integration as they become natively supported by CAD/PLM vendors.

“PLM vendor PTC and MES vendor iBase-t has been demonstrating closed-loop capability. This loop goes from the notification by the asset (IoT) of a maintenance issue to the execution of an MRO, and then to feedback to engineering on how the issue can be prevented in the future (PLM). Examples such as this can turn the term product life cycle management into a reality, rather than just a market identifier,” says the Gartner report.

iBase-t and PTC: A Manufacturing Process Management Example

At the iBase-t Excelerate User Conference, PTC and iBase-t present an example for a digital thread in MRO, and manufacturers like Solar Turbines share their progress implementing MPM initiatives. You can view the PTC-iBase-t integration video or access additional information on the Solar Turbines project, “Solar Turbines Integrates Process Planning and Production Execution.”

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iBase-t Experts

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