Manufacturing Execution System • August 13, 2024

How to Write Digital Work Instructions for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing

Writing digital work instructions is an essential skill in modern manufacturing and process planning. As technology advances, the need for precise, clear, and actionable instructions becomes even more critical. This guide will cover best practices, the importance of clarity, and the role of AI in the future of work instructions.

Why Are Clear Work Instructions Important for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers?

Imagine you’re tasked with making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and you receive the following instructions:

  1. Get two pieces of tasty, fresh bread.
  2. Spread peanut butter on one slice.
  3. Spread jelly on the other slice.
  4. Put the two pieces together and place it on a plate.

Now, consider the gravity of making a mistake in this simple task—what if your job depended on it? Suddenly, questions arise: What qualifies as “tasty” and “fresh”? How much peanut butter or jelly should you use? How should it be spread? These ambiguities highlight the importance of precise and unambiguous instructions, especially in a work environment where errors can have serious consequences.

In the context of digital work instructions, the need for clarity becomes even more pronounced. Technicians rely on these instructions to perform tasks accurately and within compliance, and any confusion can lead to inefficiencies, safety hazards, and costly mistakes.

Key Tips for Writing Productive Digital Work Instructions

  1. Start with Action-Oriented Language

Begin each instruction with a present-tense action verb. This approach makes the instructions direct and easy to follow, minimizing confusion. For example, instead of writing, “Use the laser marker to mark the product number and serial number onto the part,” write, “Mark product and serial number on part with laser marker.” This phrasing is more concise and immediately actionable.

  1. Consider the Shop Floor Environment

The environment in which instructions are used can impact their effectiveness. Consider factors like screen size, lighting, and noise levels. For instance, if digital instructions are displayed in a small font, workers may struggle to read them from a distance, leading to mistakes. Make sure your instructions are accessible and easy to reference in the actual working conditions.

  1. Use a Consistent Style Guide

Consistency is key in digital work instructions. A style guide helps maintain uniformity across all documents, making it easier for workers to understand and follow instructions. The guide should cover everything from font choices to the use of visual aids and the level of detail required. Consistent formatting builds trust and ensures that all instructions meet the same quality standards.

What Do the Best Work Instructions Look Like?

Effective work instructions are clear, concise, and easy to follow. They are free from unnecessary jargon, contain specific details, and include visuals where necessary. Good instructions should also allow for validation, enabling workers to check their work against set criteria.

The Future of AI in Digital Work Instructions

As AI technology advances, it is poised to play a significant role in the creation and execution of work instructions. AI can help generate customized instructions based on real-time data, adapting to changes in the work environment or individual worker performance. This could lead to more efficient processes, reduced errors, and a safer work environment.

However, the future will likely involve a balance between AI-driven processes and human oversight. While AI can enhance efficiency, the expertise and judgment of skilled workers will remain invaluable, especially in complex or unexpected situations.


Digital work instructions are the backbone of modern manufacturing and process planning – especially for aerospace and defense manufacturers. By following best practices—such as using action-oriented language, considering the work environment, and maintaining consistency through a style guide—you can create instructions that are clear, effective, and adaptable to future technological advancements. As AI continues to evolve, it will play an increasingly important role in this space, but the fundamentals of good instruction writing will always be essential.

If you are still using work instructions on paper, consider reading this blog, Three Steps Toward a Paperless Culture.

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iBase-t Experts

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